A vision is not just a picture of what could be; it is an appeal to our better selves, a call to become something more.
~Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Jewel showed up in my life at the perfect time--when I needed someone to not only bring their wisdom and experience, but TRUTH and CLARITY to illuminate my unique situation. She is a true professional who will move you forward in a very safe and loving way, giving you permission to make the important decisions you never had the courage to make."
- Monique, Self-actualization and Leadership Coach
“Working with Jewel is a delight and a pleasure. She is intuitive, caring and knowledgeable and she knows how to create a safe container to do some very deep work. Jewel partners with you wherever you are and gently and lovingly helps you move toward your stated goals.”
- Patty, retired Law Enforcement Officer
Jewel has been invaluable to me in regaining my equilibrium after a painful breakup. Our sessions were always totally comfortable for me even though we were delving into areas of deep hidden feelings. I noticed, post session, feeling light as a feather and friends have commented that the sparkle is back in my eye."